Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash
The only reason we feel stuck
or that we feel terrible
is because we are stuck
on the notion of right and wrong
on the shoulds
and should not
We are allowed
to be strong and to also want a shoulder
We are allowed
to find comfort in tears or in work
We can set up boundaries
or demolish boundaries
Attend to the inner child
or grow up and ‘adult’… All allowed
Don’t fall for what is right
as there is no such thing
Each a path for all
dictated by none at all
Fall for your experience instead
it will tell you so
That your experience is sacred
but it also comes and goes
Protect what might feel sacred
the boundaries and sanctity of the moment
But also learn to let go
when it’s slipping away
It’s an illusion
that we could hold on to anything at all
The middle is not in between
but it’s neither nor
Neither trapped by the past
nor mortified by the future
Neither right nor wrong
cradled by the present
It’s lighter here
in the middle