Ming Mindfulness

Living with Ease

Gentleness and Ease, despite the flaws and imperfections.
Turning towards all that life offers us.

Ming Mindfulness commits to – 
1. Mastery of inner experiences and the mind.

2. A world where more people can act from the wholeness of who they are rather than from fear, shame or guilt.

3. Timeless wisdom and insights on life topics inherent to humanity that we might have culturally avoided e.g. negativity, conflicts, pain, death..

May this space resource all who found their way here.

Lotus flower black and white


I am Jace Loi.


A mind and life enthusiast, a dreamer, an idealist, mum, yogi, woman, human being.

Jace is the Founder of Ming Mindfulness. She has served hundreds of individuals and committed to more than 1000 hours of teaching and service as a professional mental health counsellor, mindfulness teacher and restorative mind-body yoga teacher. She is also one of the very few professionals in Singapore who is trained and certified to teach Mindfulness by Oxford University’s Mindfulness Centre. She has conducted training for numerous groups for Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Mindfulness for parents & children, Mindfulness with Yoga, Optimism & Resilience, and other Mind and wellness related topics.

Today, Jace continues her journey as a mind coach, speaker and mindfulness teacher, spreading practices of inner mastery after more than a decade of consistent learning and practice. She believes in contributing to a world where acceptance, compassion and mindfulness skills are the norm.

For 10 years, I learned, unlearned, relearned, experimented, failed, relapsed, picked myself up again and am still failing and experimenting daily. While I started my journey with the intention of ‘fixing’ my flaws, I gained the unexpected gift of learning how to come home to my imperfect self. A gift that I find tremendous meaning to share with the world.

Jace Loi


Monash University
Master of Counselling

Oxford University – Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC)
Certified Competent Mindfulness Teacher in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy; Finding Peace in a Frantic World Program; Taking it Further Program.

Listing on OMC official site

Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
Certified Trained Teacher for Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)

Mindfulness in Schools Project
Certified .b Teacher (Mindfulness program age 10 to 18)

School of Positive Psychology
Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology

School of Positive Psychology
Certified SPARK (UK) Resilience Trainer – Adults & Children

Mind Transformations
Certified Master Practitioner in NeuroLinguistics Programming (NLP)

Ohm Santih Yoga School
200 Hr Ashtanga Yoga Teacher, Postnatal & Prenatal Yoga Teacher

Other Counselling Training
Motivational Interviewing
Acceptance Commitment Therapy
ASIST Suicide Intervention

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