Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash
On those days that I couldn’t write a word
I sit with eyes closed and bask in these rare moments of emptiness.
On those days when no ideas flow
I take out the forgotten book and plug into the inspirations of others.
On those days when the heart feels cold
I cradle my poodle and drown in the puppy eyes of love.
On those days when the muscles are dead stiff
I sprawl into a child’s pose and whine in satisfied pain.
On those days when anxiety hit deep in the gut
I shake it off like Taylor Swift suggested and make sure it involves the butt.
On those days when I feel small
I stare into the dark depths of the night sky and thought, ‘well, I am small and it’s wonderful’.
On those days when there is no one there
I am right here for me.
On those days when it’s those days
It’s a relief to note it’s not every day.
On one of those days that I couldn’t write a word
I wrote this.
So maybe on those days that you couldn’t write a word
Write anyway.