We don’t get far when we don’t let go.
The reason – fatigue.
It’s common sense really.
Not rocket science.
When was the last time you let yourself rest fully?
No point resting unless it’s an extensively planned holiday.
No point resting unless there’s someone taking over my job.
No point resting unless there is really nothing more to do.. or think.. or plan.
I will rest when I die.
When we over strive, fixate, or obsess about a goal,
we might achieve the goal.
But we might never feel good about the achievement.
A mind that is used to striving, chasing, or wanting doesn’t stop at will.
A mind that hasn’t learn to rest and let go,
cannot taste the sweetness of success,
of arriving,
of resting.
What is success or achievement but a feeling within?
We practice mindfulness so that the mind learns.
The only way to arrive is to arrive now.
The only way to truly achieve –
Is to let go.