Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash
What draws me to a person? The eyes
What do I usually avoid when I look at a person? The eyes
It’s paradoxical that we avoid what connects us
Yet also perfectly reasonable, because it’s… vulnerable
There is something telling about the eyes
Well, in fact everything is telling through the eyes
Fear, joy, sadness, emptiness, lust…
mischief, guilt, excitement, annoyance, love
I fear what others might find in mine,
and what I might find in theirs after they see mine
I fear that you see that I want you… so much
I fear that you see that I want you to want me… so much
You can see this as sexual, or maybe not… or is it really is
Or is it really the basis of all connections?
Of wanting to belong
Of wanting to be loved
Of fearing rejection
Of fearing loneliness
The delicate dance of allowing, opening and trusting
Protecting ourselves or letting people in
Despite the wanting and fearing
I gently meet your eyes
You know I want you
I have taken the plunge
Now show me…
If you want me too