All our experiences can be held.
Negativity is the most difficult by nature as we want to push it away.
By nature, we close the space around it.
Just because we shut the space,
it doesn’t mean negativity can’t find its way in.
What is here is here; all you are doing is creating an inner war.
Energetically, ‘Spaciousness’ is a Leaning Back;
an Expansion of Awareness.
A Zooming Out.
An experience of loosening.
Awareness of the vastness.. the emptiness.
It can simply start with your breathe.
Breathing in as if the whole body is expanding.
Breathing out and allowing your entire being to drop.
Expanded awareness of the abundance of space.. emptiness.. the air surrounding you.
Space is both an active and passive creation.
It needs active intention.
It needs passive surrendering.
Have faith.
Faith that the storm will pass.
For all energy built up wanes eventually.
When you surrender to hold what is already here,
decide to allow your experience to be as it is.
Effortlessly, space starts to grow.
Ponder upon this:
What if growth just means this –
To have more and more space and capacity to take whatever comes our way ?
Are you cultivating space in your daily life?