Photo by Rebecca Campbell on Unsplash
If gentleness is here,
there would be no bellies too big
Or wrinkles too much to bear.
If gentleness is here,
there would be no conflicts too tough
or empathy not enough to share.
If gentleness is here,
there would be space for both light and shadow,
joy will be embraced, and so will grief too.
If gentleness is here,
guilt and shame would be allowed
but would also dissolve… Poof!
If gentleness is here,
fear would be loved and held
so that courage can be birthed.
If gentleness is here,
the flower can bloom in its own time…
effortless and brilliant.
If gentleness disappears,
All one has to do is rest…
breathe and rest some more.
Gentleness is natural when there is space,
for empty space is soft
and the soft womb of space births life.
If gentleness is here,
(*exhale long and slow…)
so is all of life.