An act unconsciously or impulsively done can ripple through
A simple sentence said in anger reveals the layers and
layers of conditionings derived from dozens of automatic thoughts and beliefs
accumulated for years and maybe generations.
An act, a string of words, or just an expression has power.
Karma is happening, whether you like it or not. Karma is not bad, it’s just what is.
And to me, it’s like a wheel being set in motion.
It suddenly dawn on me one day that I am responsible for billions and trillions of wheels set in motion since the beginning of my life.. or through lifetimes.
They are all right there, like a huge golden wall of turning wheels, some spinning for a long time, some spinning faster and drawing me in to create more. Some coming to a stop and falling off.
To bear witness to this moment was powerful.
I raised my palm as if wanting to touch that wall, to sense the creation of that space between me and the wall.
To bear witness.
To sense life.
To sense the sufferings.
Wanting, greed.
Loneliness, cravings, addictions.
Clinging, avoiding.
Hope, hopelessness.
Striving, giving up.
Meaning, answers.
Guilt, shame, judgments.
Love, regrets.
Compassion, joy.
Each and all with its fair share of wheels.
It’s to see clearly.
To bear witness.
Then sit.
Let the mud settles.
Let the water stills.
There is a choice to be made.
What kind of wheel do I set in motion next?