Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash
Are you a good loser?
The unwillingness to lose ironically is the biggest source of fear.
The best winners are good losers.
Good losers experience doubt and procrastination, but don’t get lost in them.
Something quite alive happens
in the space of courage and true action.
Something flourishes
in the states of uncertainty, vulnerability and discomfort.
But a failure might dash all the dreams that were harboured for years.
What will we live for then?
All the precious moments we have turned away in the past
in pursuance of this one.
Will all that shame and disappointment kill us?
Yes it might. In fact, it’s best if it would.
A delusion, an ignorance, a fixation is best murdered and annihilated.
So that one can be born anew.
If it’s our destiny, is it worth losing it all to step into it?
If it’s a lesson, is it worth imploding into a bloody mess and be born anew?
If it’s about living fully, is it worth knowing pain and loss?
Don’t we bring nothing with us at the end except a life well-lived?
What if a life well-lived isn’t accomplishments, but a perceived feeling?
An aliveness experienced within.
And every time we take the leap of faith,
we become inherently alive, regardless of the outcome.
Tell me, are you willing to lose..
to live
a boundless life?