Photo by Mario Dobelmann on Unsplash
Who knows if it’s a sunrise or a sunset?
A longing for final Shavasana in a yoga practice
A countdown to the New Year
The waiting for the wait to end
An anticipation
A longing
A restlessness
In a way, aren’t finishing a starting anew?
The end is also the beginning?
Aren’t they really the same thing?
You can’t inhale without an exhale
A new seed is taken from the ripest fruit
And a sunrise here is a sunset there
The anticipation of finishing is an irony
Isn’t anticipation the waiting for something to begin?
Oh wait.. or is the anticipation to begin the waiting to finish?
If we can agree
They are really the same thing
Is there a need to long for or desire either?
Isn’t it always happening?
Simultaneously… in tandem… in each moment
In this moment
Ending is here
Beginning is here
Here is all there is
Again and again
So what say you
That we stay in this moment for a while
Not longing
Not anticipating
Just breathing
You and me
No beginnings
No endings
Just sitting
Just being
** A poem I wrote for the end-of-class sitting in while teaching my 8-week Mindfulness Program. Typically, a call to sit just as we are about to go home tends to be met with some restlessness. A gentle prompt to rest in our restlessness, to contemplate the essence of endings and beginnings.