For a long time
when I detect sadness in the house
I will deny entry to laughter and joy
I might laugh at a joke and quickly remind myself, ‘I am sad’.
‘How can I be happy if this sadness exist?’
As I practice, I saw another way
To cultivate a bigger space with open doors!
Bigger space so that much more can co-exist with ease and comfort
Open doors so that all can come and go as they wish
All I have to do is sit, watch and practice.
Allowing, Letting be, Openness and Courage.
Courage because subconsciously we know that when we open, we can’t be selective, we might let more sadness in. Maybe is why we close up and tighten the space at first.
Courage because it is worthwhile to truly live and overcome.
Courage so that I may laugh till my tears are rolling down the cheeks again.
Reflect and comment below: Do you habitually close off or deny a particular emotion you have? What would support you in holding these emotions?