Photo by Mario Dobelmann on Unsplash
Changes and flux are happening every moment
However, changes happen in a space where nothing is happening
Everything is full of something moment to moment
Yet, space is empty nothingness
Awareness can hold all
An effortless witnessing that all are —
spontaneous and still;
purposeful and meaningless;
important and inconsequential;
everything and nothing
See that there is no ‘but’
Only ‘and’
There is no conflict
Or exclusion
At any one moment both are experienced
Everything and nothing
That makes us paradoxically whole.
We wander from place to place
searching for wholeness
Not realizing the opposites we deny
is the other half
All are already in harmony and at peace
Don’t you see?
Even if you don’t see
it doesn’t matter
It’s here
Breathe in
Breathe out
In and out
It’s whole
Already in harmony
Already at peace