Easing Into You

What do you need right now?

Life is Messy
Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash Life is messy… We make it so Be it changes, actions, emotions… like it or not it’s almost like…
Everything Becomes Free
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash The only reason we feel stuck or that we feel terrible is because we are stuck  on the notion…
Let Them Drop
My recurrent nightmare… falling teeth
Then and Now
What changes and what doesn’t in this endless journey of self-realisation?
And life. (A twilight reflection)
The inevitable in self-realization.
Tension from Perfection, Fear, Future and the Unknown
Anxiety is Here
Embracing our survival instinct in overdrive.
Who am I?
A poetry that evokes ‘nothing’.

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Ming Mindfulness

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I can't Give up - Strength or Stress - Sign up to find out

Do you know that our supposed positive thoughts like ‘I must be strong’ or ‘I must not let people down’ might create more tension than fulfilment in life?

Find out if you have long-time narratives in your mind that might take its toll on you – Sign up now.

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